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Remarkable Remarkable Journey of DIFC’s Rebranding by Tonnit Design

Remarkable Remarkable Journey of DIFC’s Rebranding by Tonnit Design

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) embarked on an exciting transformation, redefining its strategy and introducing new entities under its umbrella. With the addition of Corporate, Destination, and Business Avenue, DIFC aimed to unlock fresh opportunities and elevate its position as a global financial powerhouse

This remarkable journey involved creative exploration, strategic direction, and a stunning brand rollout that breathes life into these new identities. Leading this project was Tonnit Design, an innovative creative agency specialising in integrated brand communication in Dubai.

1. A Strategic Shift Guided by Integrated Brand Communication:

Under the guidance of Tonnit Design, DIFC embarked on an exciting journey of creative exploration.

Leveraging its expertise in integrated brand communication, Tonnit Design delved into in-depth research, strategic planning, and design thinking to craft a unified identity for the new DIFC entities. Through a collaborative process, Tonnit Design brought together a team of designers, strategists, and experts to conceptualise compelling visual designs and captivating storytelling that reflect the essence of each entity.

2. Creative Exploration: Crafting a Unified Identity:

Consumers tend to buy products that seem more familiar and easy to operate. They are influenced by the contents of the packaging as well as how it contrasts with other items in the store.

3. Seamless Brand Rollout: Tonnit Design at the Helm:

With a well-defined brand strategy in place, Tonnit Design took the lead in executing a seamless brand rollout for DIFC's new entities.

Leveraging its expertise in integrated brand communication, Tonnit Design ensured consistent messaging and visuals across various channels. From print and television to digital platforms and immersive experiences, Tonnit Design orchestrated an integrated media adaptation that captivates audiences and reinforces the distinct identities of Corporate, Destination, and Business Avenue.

Dubai International Financial Centre's strategic shift and the introduction of Corporate, Destination, and Business Avenue entities mark an exciting chapter in its journey. With Tonnit Design spearheading the project's integrated brand communication, DIFC showcased its commitment to pioneering excellence and embracing innovation. Through creative exploration, meticulous brand rollout, and a cohesive media adaptation strategy, DIFC effectively communicated its vision and values to global audiences.

As Tonnit Design's expertise brought the project to life, DIFC solidified its position as a true visionary in the financial industry, captivating the world with its transformative initiatives and integrated brand communication prowess in Dubai.